
2023 International Political Prisoners Christmas Appeal

The James Connolly Society Welfare Department will again be sending solidarity cards to political prisoners throughout the world this Christmas. Last year we sent out over 2000 cards to political prisoners. Each A5 card is inscribed with the message: Revolutionary Greetings from the James Connolly Society.

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Specially printed JCS A5 greeting cards for political prisoners.
JCS Greeting cards being sent to political prisoners with your help.
JCS Greeting cards being sent to political prisoners with your help.

The 2023 JCS Christmas appeal aims to highlight the plight of political prisoners across the world including Basque Country, Ireland, Palestine, the United States and anti-fascist prisoners. In the spirit of inclusivity the JCS look to include as many political prisoners as possible on our list rather than excluding people.

You can help by clicking the Paypal button below and securely donating via Paypal. For every donation the JCS Welfare Department will be able to send a specially printed greeting card to another political prisoner.

All monies raised through the 2023 JCS Welfare Department Christmas Appeal is used to support this project and not for any other JCS activities.

Donate to JCS Christmas Appeal fro political prisoners now!

The JCS do not raise funds for one group of prisoners or for support groups for specific groups of prisoners. If you would like to assist specific prisoners you should contact the relevant support group directly.